Pro forma cap rate of 4.8%, indicating strong investment returns.
Prime Location
Located in the desirable Willow Glen neighborhood of San Jose.
Solid Occupancy
Currently at 75% occupancy with opportunities for immediate cash flow.
Prime Investment Opportunity
Address: 738 Carmel Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA
1150 Francisco Ave is a prime investment opportunity in the Willow Glen neighborhood of San Jose. This well-maintained fourplex, built in 1963, features a mix of unit types and recent upgrades. With a current occupancy rate of 75%, it presents a strong potential for cash flow and long-term appreciation. Priced at $1.895M, it offers a current cap rate of 3.1% and a pro forma cap rate of 4.8%, making it an attractive option for investors seeking steady returns and growth in a desirable location.
Prime Location
Willow Glen, San Jose
Strong Investment
4.8% pro forma cap
High Demand
75% occupancy
Steady Income
Diverse rentals
Immediate Opportunity
Turn-key fourplex
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